On this page:
5.1 Refinement, take one
5.2 Concrete syntax for Blackmail
5.3 Abstract syntax for Blackmail
5.4 Meaning of Blackmail programs
5.5 An Example of Blackmail compilation
5.6 A Compiler for Blackmail
5.7 Correctness and random testing
5.8 Looking back, looking forward

5 Blackmail: incrementing and decrementing🔗

image Source code.

Let’s Do It Again!

    5.1 Refinement, take one

    5.2 Concrete syntax for Blackmail

    5.3 Abstract syntax for Blackmail

    5.4 Meaning of Blackmail programs

    5.5 An Example of Blackmail compilation

    5.6 A Compiler for Blackmail

    5.7 Correctness and random testing

    5.8 Looking back, looking forward

5.1 Refinement, take one🔗

We’ve seen all the essential pieces (a grammar, an AST data type definition, an operational semantics, an interpreter, a compiler, etc.) for implementing a programming language, albeit for an amazingly simple language.

We will now, through a process of iterative refinement, grow the language to have an interesting set of features.

Our second language, which subsumes Abscond, is Blackmail. Expressions in Blackmail include integer literals and increment and decrement operations. It’s still a dead simple language, but at least programs do something.

5.2 Concrete syntax for Blackmail🔗

A Blackmail program consists of #lang racket line and a single expression, and the grammar of concrete expressions is:


So, 0, 120, and -42 are Blackmail expressions, but so are (add1 0), (sub1 120), (add1 (add1 (add1 -42))).

An example concrete program:


  #lang racket
  (add1 (add1 40))
5.3 Abstract syntax for Blackmail🔗

The grammar of abstract Backmail expressions is:


So, (Lit 0), (Lit 120), and (Lit -42) are Blackmail AST expressions, but so are (Prim1 'add1 (Lit 0)), (Sub1 (Lit 120)), (Prim1 'add1 (Prim1 'add1 (Prim1 'add1 (Lit -42)))).

A datatype for representing expressions can be defined as:


  #lang racket
  (provide Lit Prim1)
  ;; type Expr = (Lit Integer)
  ;;           | (Prim1 Op1 Expr)
  ;; type Op1 = 'add1 | 'sub1
  (struct Lit (i) #:prefab)
  (struct Prim1 (p e) #:prefab)

The parser is more involved than Abscond, but still straightforward:


  #lang racket
  (provide parse)
  (require "ast.rkt")
  ;; S-Expr -> Expr
  (define (parse s)
    (match s
      [(? exact-integer?) (Lit s)]
      [(list (? op1? o) e) (Prim1 o (parse e))]
      [_ (error "Parse error")]))
  (define (op1? x)
    (memq x '(add1 sub1)))
5.4 Meaning of Blackmail programs🔗

The meaning of a Blackmail program depends on the form of the expression:

The operational semantics reflects this dependence on the form of the expression by having three rules, one for each kind of expression:

image    image    image

The first rule looks familiar; it’s exactly the semantics of integers from Abscond. The second and third rule are more involved. In particular, they have premises above the line. If the premises are true, the conclusion below the line is true as well. These rules are conditional on the premises being true. This is in contrast to the first rule, which applies unconditionally.

We can understand these rules as saying the following:
  • For all integers i, ((Lit i),i) is in image.

  • For expressions e0 and all integers i0 and i1, if (e0,i0) is in image and i1 = i0 + 1, then ((Prim1 'add1 e0), i1) is in image.

  • For expressions e0 and all integers i0 and i1, if (e0,i0) is in image and i1 = i0 - 1, then ((Prim1 'sub1 e0), i1) is in image.

These rules are inductive. We start from the meaning of integers and if we have the meaning of an expression, we can construct the meaning of a larger expression.

This may seem a bit strange at the moment, but it helps to view the semantics through its correspondence with an interpreter, which given an expression e, computes an integer i, such that (e,i) is in image.

Just as there are three rules, there will be three cases to the interpreter, one for each form of expression:


  #lang racket
  (provide interp)
  (require "ast.rkt")
  (require "interp-prim.rkt")
  ;; Expr -> Integer
  (define (interp e)
    (match e
      [(Lit i) i]
      [(Prim1 p e)
       (interp-prim1 p (interp e))]))

> (interp (Lit 42))


> (interp (Lit -7))


> (interp (Prim1 'add1 (Lit 42)))


> (interp (Prim1 'sub1 (Lit 8)))


> (interp (Prim1 'add1 (Prim1 'add1 (Prim1 'add1 (Lit 8)))))


Here’s how to connect the dots between the semantics and interpreter: the interpreter is computing, for a given expression e, the integer i, such that (e,i) is in image. The interpreter uses pattern matching to determine the form of the expression, which determines which rule of the semantics applies.

This explanation of the correspondence is essentially a proof by induction of the interpreter’s correctness:

Interpreter Correctness: For all Blackmail expressions e and integers i, if (e,i) in image, then (interp e) equals i.

5.5 An Example of Blackmail compilation🔗

Just as we did with Abscond, let’s approach writing the compiler by first writing an example.

Suppose we want to compile (add1 (add1 40)). We already know how to compile the 40: (Mov 'rax 40). To do the increment (and decrement) we need to know a bit more x86-64. In particular, the add (and sub) instruction is relevant. It increments the contents of a register by some given amount.

Concretely, the program that adds 1 twice to 40 looks like:


        default rel
        section .text
        global entry
        mov rax, 40
        add rax, 1
        add rax, 1

The runtime stays exactly the same as before.


> make add1-add1-40.run
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/runner/work/cmsc430.github.io/cmsc430.github.io/langs/blackmail'
gcc -fPIC -c -g -o main.o main.c
gcc -fPIC -c -g -o print.o print.c
ld -r main.o print.o -o runtime.o
nasm -g -f elf64 -o add1-add1-40.o add1-add1-40.s
gcc runtime.o add1-add1-40.o -o add1-add1-40.run
rm add1-add1-40.o
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/runner/work/cmsc430.github.io/cmsc430.github.io/langs/blackmail'
> ./add1-add1-40.run

5.6 A Compiler for Blackmail🔗

To compile Blackmail, we make use of two more a86 instructions, Add and Sub:


> (asm-display
   (list (Label 'entry)
         (Mov 'rax 40)
         (Add 'rax 1)
         (Add 'rax 1)

        default rel

        section .text


        mov rax, 40

        add rax, 1

        add rax, 1


The compiler consists of two functions: the first, which is given a program, emits the entry point and return instructions, invoking another function to compile the expression:


  #lang racket
  (provide (all-defined-out))
  (require "ast.rkt")
  (require "compile-ops.rkt")
  (require a86/ast)
  (define rax 'rax)
  ;; Expr -> Asm
  (define (compile e)
    (prog (Global 'entry)
          (Label 'entry)
          (compile-e e)
  ;; Expr -> Asm
  (define (compile-e e)
    (match e
      [(Lit i) (seq (Mov rax i))]
      [(Prim1 p e) (compile-prim1 p e)]))
  ;; Op1 Expr -> Asm
  (define (compile-prim1 p e)
    (seq (compile-e e)
         (compile-op1 p)))

Notice that compile-e is defined by structural recursion, much like the interpreter.

We can now try out a few examples:


> (compile (Prim1 'add1 (Prim1 'add1 (Lit 40))))


 (Global 'entry)

 (Label 'entry)

 (Mov 'rax 40)

 (Add 'rax 1)

 (Add 'rax 1)


> (compile (Prim1 'sub1 (Lit 8)))


 (Global 'entry)

 (Label 'entry)

 (Mov 'rax 8)

 (Sub 'rax 1)


> (compile (Prim1 'add1 (Prim1 'add1 (Prim1 'sub1 (Prim1 'add1 (Lit -8))))))


 (Global 'entry)

 (Label 'entry)

 (Mov 'rax -8)

 (Add 'rax 1)

 (Sub 'rax 1)

 (Add 'rax 1)

 (Add 'rax 1)


And give a command line wrapper for parsing, checking, and compiling in compile-stdin.rkt, we can compile files as follows:


> cat add1-add1-40.rkt | racket -t compile-stdin.rkt -m
        default rel
        section .text
        global entry
        mov rax, 40
        add rax, 1
        add rax, 1

And using the same Makefile setup as in Abscond, we capture the whole compilation process with a single command:


> make add1-add1-40.run
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/runner/work/cmsc430.github.io/cmsc430.github.io/langs/blackmail'
cat add1-add1-40.rkt | racket -t compile-stdin.rkt -m > add1-add1-40.s
nasm -g -f elf64 -o add1-add1-40.o add1-add1-40.s
gcc runtime.o add1-add1-40.o -o add1-add1-40.run
rm add1-add1-40.o
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/runner/work/cmsc430.github.io/cmsc430.github.io/langs/blackmail'
> ./add1-add1-40.run

Likewise, to test the compiler from within Racket, we use the same asm-interp function to encapsulate running assembly code:


> (asm-interp (compile (Prim1 'add1 (Prim1 'add1 (Lit 40)))))


> (asm-interp (compile (Prim1 'sub1 (Lit 8))))


> (asm-interp (compile (Prim1 'add1 (Prim1 'add1 (Prim1 'add1 (Prim1 'add1 (Lit -8)))))))


5.7 Correctness and random testing🔗

We can state correctness similarly to how it was stated for Abscond:

Compiler Correctness: For all expressions e and integers i, if (e,i) in image, then (asm-interp (compile e)) equals i.

And we can test this claim by comparing the results of running compiled and interpreted programs, leading to the following property, which hopefully holds:


> (define (check-compiler e)
    (check-eqv? (interp e)
                (asm-interp (compile e))))

The problem, however, is that generating random Blackmail programs is less obvious compared to generating random Abscond programs (i.e. random integers). Randomly generating programs for testing is its own well studied and active research area. To side-step this wrinkle, we have provided a small utility for generating random Blackmail programs (random.rkt), which you can use, without needing the understand how it was implemented.


> (require "random.rkt")
> (random-expr)

'#s(Prim1 add1 #s(Prim1 add1 #s(Lit -8)))

> (random-expr)

'#s(Lit -1)

> (random-expr)

'#s(Prim1 add1 #s(Lit -1))

> (random-expr)





       #s(Prim1 sub1 #s(Prim1 add1 #s(Lit -4)))))

> (random-expr)

'#s(Lit 4)

> (define e (random-expr))
> e





       #s(Prim1 add1 #s(Prim1 sub1 #s(Lit 5)))))

> (compile e)


 (Global 'entry)

 (Label 'entry)

 (Mov 'rax 5)

 (Sub 'rax 1)

 (Add 'rax 1)

 (Sub 'rax 1)

 (Add 'rax 1)


> (for ([i (in-range 10)])
    (check-compiler (random-expr)))

It’s now probably time to acknowledge a short-coming in our compiler. Although it’s great that random testing is confirming the correctness of the compiler on specific examples, the compiler is unfortunately not correct in general. Neither was the Abscond compiler.

To see why, recall that integers in Blackmail are represented as 64-bit values in the compiled code. The problem arises when 64 bits isn’t enough. Since the run-time system interprets the 64-bit values as a signed integer, we have 1 bit devoted to the sign and 63 bits devoted to the magnitude of the integer. So the largest number we can represent is (sub1 (expt 2 63)) and the smallest number is (- (expt 2 63)). What happens if a program exceeds these bounds? Well, whatever x86 does. Let’s see:


> (define max-int (sub1 (expt 2 63)))
> (define min-int (- (expt 2 63)))
> (asm-interp (compile (Lit max-int)))


> (asm-interp (compile (Prim1 'add1 (Lit max-int))))


> (asm-interp (compile (Lit min-int)))


> (asm-interp (compile (Prim1 'sub1 (Lit min-int))))


Now there’s a fact you didn’t learn in grade school: in the first example, adding 1 to a number made it smaller; in the second, subtracting 1 made it bigger!

This problem doesn’t exist in the interpreter:


> (interp (Lit max-int))


> (interp (Prim1 'add1 (Lit max-int)))


> (interp (Lit min-int))


> (interp (Prim1 'sub1 (Lit min-int)))


So we have found a counter-example to the claim of compiler correctness:


> (check-compiler (Prim1 'add1 (Lit max-int)))



name:       check-eqv?

location:   eval:154:0

actual:     9223372036854775808

expected:   -9223372036854775808


> (check-compiler (Prim1 'sub1 (Lit min-int)))



name:       check-eqv?

location:   eval:154:0

actual:     -9223372036854775809

expected:   9223372036854775807


What can we do? This is the basic problem of a program not satisfying its specification. We have two choices:

We could change the spec to make it match the behaviour of the compiler. This would involve writing out definitions that match the “wrapping” behavior we see in the compiled code. Of course if the specification is meant to capture what Racket actually does, taking this route would be a mistake. Even independent of Racket, this seems like a questionable design choice. Wouldn’t it be nice to reason about programs using the usual laws of mathematics (or at least something as close as possible to what we think of as math)? For example, wouldn’t you like know that (< i (add1 i)) for all integers i?

Unforunately, the other choice seems to paint us in to a corner. How can we ever hope to represent all possible integers in just 64 bits? We can’t. We need some new tricks. So in the meantime, our compiler is not correct, but writing down what it means to be correct is half the battle. We will get to correctness, but for the time being, we view the specification aspirationally.

5.8 Looking back, looking forward🔗

We’ve now built two compilers; enough to start observing a pattern.

Recall the phases of a compiler described in What does a Compiler look like?. Let’s identify these pieces in the two compilers we’ve written:

Our recipe for building compiler involves:

  1. Build intuition with examples,

  2. Model problem with data types,

  3. Implement compiler via type-transforming-functions,

  4. Validate compiler via tests.

As we move forward, the language we are compiling will grow. As the language grows, you should apply this recipe to grow the compiler along with the language.