On this page:
Arity Checking, Rest Arguments, Case Functions, and Apply
Checking arity
Rest arguments
Arity dispatch
Representing the syntax of function definitions
Starter code


The final assessment for this course consists of an individually completed project.

Due: Tuesday, May 14, 3:30PM EST

Arity Checking, Rest Arguments, Case Functions, and Apply🔗

The goal of this assignment is to extend a compiler with arity checking for function calls, to add new kinds of function parameter features, and to add the apply form for applying a function to a list of arguments.

You are given a file iniquity-plus.zip on ELMS with a starter compiler similar to the Iniquity language we studied in class. You are tasked with:

Unlike previous assignments, you do not need to bring forward your past features to this language; there is no need to implement cond, case, etc.

Be sure to read the entire problem description before starting. There are a number of Suggestions on how to approach the assignment near the end.

Checking arity🔗

In Iniquity, we implemented a language with function definitions and calls. We noted that bad things can happen when a function is called with the incorrect number of arguments. While it’s possible to statically check this property of Iniquity programs, it’s not possible in more expressive languages and arity checking must be done at run-time. You are tasked with implementing such a run-time arity checking mechanism.

Here is the basic idea. You need to add a run-time checking mechanism that will cause the following program to signal an error:

(define (f x y) (+ x y))
(f 1)

The function call knows how many arguments are given and the function definition knows how many argument are expected. The generated code should check that these two quantities match when the function is called.

A simple way to do this is to pick a designated register that will be used for communicating arity information. The caller should set the register to the number of arguments before jumping to the function. The function should check this number against the expected number and signal an error when they don’t match.

You should modify compile-app and compile-define to implement this part of the assignment.

Rest arguments🔗

Many languages including JavaScript, C, and Racket provide facilities for defining functions that take a “rest argument” which allows the function to be called with more arguments than expected and these additional arguments will be bound to a single value that collects all of these arguments. In Iniquity, as in Racket, the obvious way of collecting these arguments into a single value is to use a list.

Here are some examples:

Here are some examples in Racket to get a sense of the behavior:


> (define (f . xs) (list xs))
> (f)


> (f 1)


> (f 1 2)

'((1 2))

> (f 1 2 3)

'((1 2 3))

> (f 1 2 3 4)

'((1 2 3 4))

> (define (f x . xs) (list x xs))
> (f)

f: arity mismatch;

 the expected number of arguments does not match the given


  expected: at least 1

  given: 0

> (f 1)

'(1 ())

> (f 1 2)

'(1 (2))

> (f 1 2 3)

'(1 (2 3))

> (f 1 2 3 4)

'(1 (2 3 4))

> (define (f x y z . xs) (list x y z xs))
> (f)

f: arity mismatch;

 the expected number of arguments does not match the given


  expected: at least 3

  given: 0

> (f 1)

f: arity mismatch;

 the expected number of arguments does not match the given


  expected: at least 3

  given: 1

> (f 1 2)

f: arity mismatch;

 the expected number of arguments does not match the given


  expected: at least 3

  given: 2

> (f 1 2 3)

'(1 2 3 ())

> (f 1 2 4)

'(1 2 4 ())

The code generated for a function call should not change—other than what you did for Checking arity: it should pass all of the arguments on the stack along with information about the number of arguments.

The compilation of function definitions that use a rest argument should generate code that checks that the given number of arguments is acceptable and should generate code to pop all “extra” arguments off the stack and construct a list which is then bound to the rest parameter.

It is worth remembering that arguments are pushed on the stack in such a way that the last argument is the element most recently pushed on the stack. This has the benefit of making it easy to pop off the extra arguments and to construct a list with the elements in the proper order.

HINT: the function definition knows the number of “required” arguments, i.e. the minimum number of arguments the function can be called with—call this mand the caller communicates how many actual arguments have been supplied—call this n. The compiler needs to generate a loop that pops n-m times, constructing a list with with popped elements, and then finally pushes this list in order to bind it to the rest parameter.

Arity dispatch🔗

Some languages such as Java, Haskell, and Racket make it possible to overload a single function name with multiple definitions where the dispatch between these different definitions is performed based on the number (or kind) of arguments given at a function call.

In Racket, this is accomplished with the case-lambda form for constructing multiple-arity functions.

Here is an example:


> (define f
      [(x) "got one!"]
      [(p q) "got two!"]))
> (f #t)

"got one!"

> (f #t #f)

"got two!"

> (f #t #f 0)

f: arity mismatch;

 the expected number of arguments does not match the given


  given: 3

This function can accept either one or two arguments. If given one argument, it evaluates the right-hand-side of the first clause with x bound to that argument. If given two arguments, it evaluates the right-hand-side of the second clause with p and q bound to the arguments. If given any other number of arguments, it signals an error.

A case-lambda form can have any number of clauses (including zero!) and the first clause for which the number of arguments is acceptable is taken when the function is called.

Note that case-lambda can be combined with rest arguments too. A clause that accepts any number of arguments is written by simply listing a parameter name (no parentheses). A clause that accepts some non-zero minimum number of parameters is written with a dotted parameter list.

For example:


> (define f
      [(x y z . r) (length r)]
      [(x) "just one!"]))
> (f 1 2 3 4 5 6)


> (f #t)

"just one!"

> (f)

f: arity mismatch;

 the expected number of arguments does not match the given


  given: 0

> (f 1 2)

f: arity mismatch;

 the expected number of arguments does not match the given


  given: 2

This function takes three or more arguments or one argument. Any other number of arguments (i.e. zero or two) results in an error.


> (define f
      [(x y z) "three!"]
      [xs (length xs)]))
> (f)


> (f 1 2)


> (f 1 2 3)


> (f 1 2 3 4 5 6)


This function takes any number of arguments, but when given three, it produces "three!"; in all other cases it produces the number of arguments.


Apply is the yin to the yang of rest arguments (or maybe the other way around). Whereas a rest argument lets a function take arbitrarily more arguments and packages them up as a list, apply will apply a function to a list as though the elements of the list were given as arguments.


> (define (f x y) (+ x y))
> (apply f (list 1 2))


> (define (flatten ls)
    (apply append ls))
> (flatten (list (list 1 2) (list 3 4 5) (list 6)))

'(1 2 3 4 5 6)

> (define (sum ls)
    (apply + ls))
> (sum (list 5 6 7 8))


Here you can see apply taking two things: a function and single argument which is a list. It is calling the function with the elements of the list as the arguments.

It turns out, apply can also take other arguments in addition to the list and pass them along to the function.


> (define (f x y) (+ x y))
> (apply f 1 (list 2))


> (apply list 1 2 3 4 (list 5 6 7))

'(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)

Note that if the function expects a certain number of arguments and the list has a different number of elements, it results in an arity error:


> (define (f x y) (+ x y))
> (apply f (list 1 2 3))

f: arity mismatch;

 the expected number of arguments does not match the given


  expected: 2

  given: 3

A new form of expression has been added to the Expr AST type:

; type Expr = ...
;           | (Apply Id [Listof Expr] Expr)

The parser has been updated to handle concrete syntax of the form:

(apply f e0 ... en)


> (parse-e '(apply f x y zs))

'#s(Apply f (#s(Var x) #s(Var y)) #s(Var zs))

Note that the AST for an apply expression has the function name, an arbitrarily long list of arguments, plus a distinguished last argument that should produce a list. (It is an error if this expression produces anything other than a list.)

While it’s allowable to have only the function and the list argument, it’s a syntax error to leave off a list argument altogether:


> (parse-e '(apply f xs))

'#s(Apply f () #s(Var xs))

> (parse-e '(apply f))

parse apply error

The interpreter also handles apply expressions:


> (interp (parse '[ (define (f x y) (cons y x))
                    (apply f (cons 1 (cons 2 '())))]))

'(2 . 1)

Together with rest arguments, apply makes it possible to write many functions you may like to use:


> (interp
      '[; an append that works on any number of lists
        (define (append . xss)
          (if (empty? xss)
              (if (empty? (car xss))
                  (apply append (cdr xss))
                  (cons (car (car xss))
                        (apply append (cdr (car xss)) (cdr xss))))))
         ; the list function!
         (define (list . xs) xs)
         (append (list 1 2 3) (list 4) (list 5 6 7))]))

'(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)

In compile.rkt, the compile-e has an added case for Apply AST nodes and calls compile-apply, which is stubbed out for you. You will need to implement apply there.

Here is the idea for apply: it is doing something similar to a function call, so it needs to make a label for the return point and push that on the stack. It then needs to execute all of the given arguments, pushing them on the stack (again just like a regular function call). Then it needs to execute the distinguished list argument and generate code that will traverse the list at run-time, pushing elements on to the stack until reaching the end of the list. At this point, all of the arguments, both those given explicitly and those in the list are on the stack. Jump to the function.

Representing the syntax of function definitions🔗

The Iniquity language has a single function definition form: (define (f x ...) e) which is represented with the following AST type:

; type Defn = (Defn Id (Listof Id) Expr)
(struct Defn (f xs e) #:prefab)

Because there are three different forms of function definition in Iniquity+, we use the following AST representation:

; type Defn = (Defn Id Fun)
(struct Defn (f fun) #:prefab)
; type Fun = (FunPlain [Listof Id] Expr)
;          | (FunRest [Listof Id] Id Expr)
;          | (FunCase [Listof FunCaseClause])
; type FunCaseClause = (FunPlain [Listof Id] Expr)
;                    | (FunRest [Listof Id] Id Expr)
(struct FunPlain (xs e)   #:prefab)
(struct FunRest  (xs x e) #:prefab)
(struct FunCase  (cs)     #:prefab)

What used to be represented as (Defn f xs e) is now represented as (Defn f (FunPlain xs e)).

The parser already works for these new forms of function definitions. Here are some examples of how function definitions are parsed, but you are encouraged to try out more to get a better sense:


> (parse-define '(define (f x) x))

'#s(Defn f #s(FunPlain (x) #s(Var x)))

> (parse-define '(define (f . xs) xs))

'#s(Defn f #s(FunRest () xs #s(Var xs)))

> (parse-define '(define (f x y z . q) q))

'#s(Defn f #s(FunRest (x y z) q #s(Var q)))

> (parse-define
    '(define f
         [(x y) 2]
         [(z) 1]
         [(a b c . d) "3+"]
         [q "other"])))




       (#s(FunPlain (x y) #s(Int 2))

        #s(FunPlain (z) #s(Int 1))

        #s(FunRest (a b c) d #s(Str "3+"))

        #s(FunRest () q #s(Str "other")))))

Starter code🔗

The compiler code given to you is just an implementation of Iniquity, but updated to parse the new forms of function definitions and re-organized slightly to match the new AST representation.

The interpreter code given to you works on the full Iniquity+ language, so you do not need to update interp.rkt and can use the interpreter to guide your implementation of the compiler.


> (interp
    (parse '[(define (f x) x)
             (f 1)]))


> (interp
    (parse '[(define (f . x) x)
             (f 1)]))


> (interp
    (parse '[(define (f . x) x)


> (interp
    (parse '[(define (f . x) x)
             (f 1 2 3 4 5)]))

'(1 2 3 4 5)

> (interp
    (parse '[(define f
                 [(x y) 2]
                 [(z) 1]
                 [(a b c . d) "3+"]
                 [q "other"]))
              (cons (f 7)
                    (cons (f 3 4)
                          (cons (f)
                                (cons (f 7 8 9 10 11)

'(1 2 "other" "3+")

Thus, you should only need to modify compile.rkt.

A small number of test cases are given as usual.


This is a tricky project. The amount of code you have to write is pretty small, however you may spend a long time slogging through the project if your approach is to hack first, think later.

Here are some suggestions for how to approach the project. Make sure you get each of the pieces working before moving on.


Submit a zip file containing your work to Gradescope. Use make submit.zip from within the iniquity-plus directory to create a zip file with the proper structure.