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Assignment 1: Racket Primer🔗

Due: Thursday, September 5, 11:59PM Due: Tuesday, September 10, 11:59PM

The goal of this assignment is to gain practice programming in Racket.

This is a collaborative assignment. You may work with anyone you’d like on this assignment, but each person must submit their submit.zip file on Gradescope.

You are given a racket-basics.zip file (on ELMS under "Files"), that contains a README, a Makefile, and a number of Racket modules. In each module there are several function “stubs,” i.e. incomplete function definitions with type signatures, descriptions, and a small set of tests. Each function has a bogus (but type correct) body marked with a “TODO” comment. Your job is to replace each of these expressions with a correct implementation of the function.

The last section of problems deals with functions that operate over a representation of expressions in a lambda-calculus-like language and asks you to compute a few simple facts about the given expression.

Make sure you do not rename any files. Also make sure not to change the name or signature of any function given to you. You may add any additional functions that help you solve the overall problem you’re tackling.


You can test your code in several ways:

Note: running racket <filename.rkt> will not test the file; you need to use raco or DrRacket.


Use the included Makefile to run make submit.zip (or simply make) to generate an appropriate submit.zip file for submitting to Gradescope.


Your submission will be graded for correctness. Passing the unit tests included in the file is necessary but not sufficient to receive a perfect score. You are strongly encouraged to add your own tests to ensure the correctness of your solutions.